Scaling Up
Change Minds

Scaling Up Change Minds is a partnership between the Norfolk Record Office and the Restoration Trust that builds on successful Change Minds projects in Norfolk. Change Minds is a community heritage programme using archives for mental wellbeing and social connection.
Scaling Up Change Minds consists of an on- and off-line resource hub and six Change Minds pilots involving around 90 people who live with mental health challenges. Wellbeing research is led by the University of Dundee.
Six Change Minds iterations are currently testing the Hub, which is enriched by the geographical and institutional spread of archives and their diverse mental health collaborators, with pilots at Norfolk Record Office, Bethlem Museum of the Mind, The National Archives, Bristol Archives, Lancashire Archives, and University of Dundee Archives. The Scottish Council on Archives, the Richmond Fellowship and the University of East Anglia are involved as advisors and advocates.
We are working with excellent consultants and services: Web developer Thirty8Digital; Designer Nick Stone, Starfish; Learning Consultant Pippa Smith; Filmmaker Julian Claxton; Creative consultant Claire Gulliver; Inclusion consultants EMBED; Artist Ian Brownlie; Evaluators Dr Harriet Foster and Llewela Selfridge; Researcher Jacqueline Eccles; Critical Friend Professor Karen McArdle.
The project is supported through The National Lottery Heritage Fund with the Norfolk Archives and Heritage Development Foundation
Please keep in touch with Change Minds on X: @chngmnds
To find out more, contact Karen Gaffney: [email protected]

With thanks to our partners:

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